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吹风的英文be in a draught 双语例句: 1、我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. 2、只要提出要求,清理房间的女服务员就会送来熨斗或电吹风。Chambermaids will bring an iron or hair dryer on request. 3、有侧吹风Loop Seal型返料装置的试验研究。An experimental investigation on the side aeration air Loop Seal type return units. 4、基于UG的吹风机外壳注塑模具设计及数控加工。Design and NC Manufacturing of Plastic Injection Mold Based on UG Software. 5、电吹风罩壳模具的CATIA制造。CATIA-based manufacturing of die for cover casing of electric drier. 6、涤纶长丝FDY侧吹风空调设备改造设计方案探讨。Approach on FDY Quench Air Condition Equipments for Polyester Fiber Transform Plan. 7、侧吹风条件对涤纶POY后加工性能的影响。Effect of quench air conditions on after-processing property of polyester POY.



吹风的英语:blow dry。 吹风"的英语表达可以是 “blow dry”,这是指使用吹风机(hair dryer)给头发吹干的过程。 例如: 1、Could you please blow dry my hair for me?(你可以帮我吹干头发吗?) 2、She always blow dries her hair after washing it.(她每次洗完头都会吹干。) 另外,如果你是在问风吹的英语表达,可以使用 “blow” 这个动词来表示。 1、The wind is blowing.(风在吹。) 2、Leaves were blown off the trees by the strong wind.(叶子被强风吹落了树上。) 吹风blow dry的语法 对于英语单词 “blow dry”,它是由动词 “blow” 和形容词 “dry” 组成的短语。 “Blow” 是动词,表示吹风的动作。 “Dry” 是形容词,表示干燥的状态。 在句子中使用 “blow dry” 时,可以视作一个整体的动词短语,通常用于描述使用吹风(hair dryer)给头发吹干。下面是一些常见用法: 1、She blow dries her hair every morning.(她每天早上吹干头发。) 2、He doesn’t like blow drying his hair.(他不喜欢吹干头发。) 3、I need to blow dry my hair before going out.(我出门前需要吹干头发。) 需要注意的是,这个短语 “blow dry” 在其他语境中也可以表示除头发之外的物体或表面被吹干的动作。例如,blow drying wet clothes(吹干湿衣服)、blow drying paint(吹干油漆)。在这些情况下,也可以根据需要在动词 “blow” 后面加上其他形容词来修饰,以描述被吹干的状态。 blow dry在句中的用处 在句子中,“blow dry” 这个词组通常用于描述使用吹风机把头发吹干的动作。它在句子中的用处可以是作为动词短语充当谓语,或作为名词充当主语、宾语或表语。以下是一些示例来说明 “blow dry” 的用法: 作为动词短语(谓语) 1、She blow dries her hair every morning. (她每天早上用吹风机吹干头发。) 2、He blow dried his hair before the important meeting. (他在重要会议前吹干了头发。) 3、Do you know how to blow dry your hair properly? (你知道如何正确地吹干头发吗?) 作为动名词(主语、宾语或表语) 1、Blow drying hair takes time. (吹风需要时间。) 2、Her favorite activity is blow drying her hair. (她最喜欢的活动就是吹干她的头发。) 3、The stylist emphasized the importance of a good blow dry. (发型师强调了一个好的吹干的重要性。) 作为动词不定式(谓语、目的状语或目的补语) 1、She needs to blow dry her hair before going out. (她在出门前需要吹干头发。) 2、They brought a hairdryer to blow dry their hair during the camping trip. (他们带了个吹风机在野营期间吹干头发。) 3、Her hairstylist taught her how to blow dry her hair properly. (发型师教她如何正确地吹干头发。) 总之,“blow dry” 可以用作动词短语作为谓语,描述吹干头发的动作;也可以作为名词充当主语、宾语或表语,描述吹干头发的过程或重要性。具体的使用方式取决于句子的结构和语境。



吹风机英文hair drier。吹风机一种能吹出热风的小型电器,用于理发,使头发干燥、伏贴或定型。 汉英大词典: air blower; blowing machine; windlass machine; electric hair drier; drier. 例句: 1、设有至少一个在头发养护件以及至少两个臂之一中输送来自暖风吹风机的气流的流道; The flow channels are arranged in a hair maintaining device at least and one of the two arms at least to convey air flow from the warm air blower. 2、我必须更换吹风机的插头。 I'll have to change the plug on my hairdryer. 3、公司回收了所有有问题的吹风机。 The company has recalled all the faulty hairdryers. 4、我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。 We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. 5、该项目的其他新产品还有一种全身吹风机和经过特殊设计的服装,可以让残疾人自己穿脱衣。 Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dryer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves.